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Reincarnation has been recognized and accepted as fact by many cultures and religions spanning thousands of years.  Past Life Regression is a method of accessing memories, experiences and feelings from these previous lives through deep hypnotic trance.

These sessions are longer that regular sessions, typically lasting at least two hours.  While completely safe, it is important that you seek this type of experience only from someone with the proper training and experience to facilitate this type of session.  This is mostly for reasons of having an authentic, "unclouded" experience and getting your money's worth.

Even someone who doesn't believe in reincarnation could benefit from the experience since it can be looked on as a metaphor for deciphering and eliminating problems in their current life.

What kinds of benefits might you get from a Past Life Regression?

  • Understanding of current life relationships
  • Information concerning patterns of behavior over lifetimes and releasing carry over patterns and beliefs which no longer serve you
  • Understanding physical or emotional concerns and how to heal them
  • Help in unravelling your fears and challenges
  • Knowledge of your Soul's purpose and embracing your Life Purpose
  • Seeing the divine in all life
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