What is "Transpersonal" hypnosis?
  • "Transpersonal" refers to the belief the the answers to most problems lie within yourself.  This method addresses mind/body/spirit as a whole, rather than separately.  Making connections at the subconcious level promotes healing and change at the physical level.
Is it safe?
  • Very much so.  Hypnosis is simply a very relaxed state similar to that experienced when you're almost asleep or just waking up.  You will be aware and able to speak and can stop the session at any time.  Most describe it as being a very relaxing and enjoyable experience.
Will I remember everything?
  • Short answer, you'll remember everything you want to.  If you don't remember something, it won't be because you were made not to.  PLR sessions are generally partially recorded and a copy provided to the client for future reference.
How many sessions will it take?
  • That depends both on the person and the type of session.  PLRs take twice as long in a given session, but only require a single session unless you want to come have another one.  Smoking cessation is generally only two sessions.  Occasionally a third is required.  Weight release is much the same, unless the client would like additional reinforcement sessions later on.  Other issues generally only take one or two sessions, depending.
Is it guaranteed to work?
  • No, it isn't.  Hypnosis can be very effective when used correctly, but it's not some kind of "magic spell."  If, for instance, you know that smoking is bad for you but you don't really want to quit, then I'm not going to be able to "make you quit."  Hypnosis will make it much easier and give you more tools to use, but you still have to truly want the result and be willing to put some effort into the process.
How should I prepare for my session?
  • There's really not nuch to it, just come prepared to relax and enjoy yourself.  Comfortable clothing can make that easier.  For the longer sessions it is best not to drink too much water or other liquids.  Beverages with caffeine should be avoided, as they can make it more difficult to relax.  Being under the influence of alcohol or recreational drugs will cause the session to be immediately terminated.
You're not going to turn me into a chicken, are you?
  • No.  While stage hypnosis is very entertaining, it has given rise to some popular misconceptions.  That is not how hypnotherapy works.  You will be aware and able to speak during the entire session, and will remember everything you wish to.  If at any point you become uncomfortable you can end the session at any time.  This has never happened in one of my sessions, but it always remains an option.
Are there any conditions or situations you won't work with?
  • Yes.  Minors.  Any severe mental health issues that would normally require diagnosis and treatment by a licensed Psychologist or Psychiatrist, chemical dependancy or addiction issues or severe alcoholism, and other similar conditions.  It is possible that some aspects of these can be seen to with a referral from the attending physician and an initial consultation to ensure the sessions will be within my scope of practice.  If there is any doubt, please feel free to contact me.
Can my friend/family member/etc. sit in on the session?
  • Sorry, but due to client confidentiality issues this is simply not possible.
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