Wikipedia defines Hypnosis as "a state of human consciousness involving focused attention, reduced peripheral awareness, and an enhanced capacity to respond to suggestion."

That's close enough as far as it goes, but what does it mean?  One could argue semantics until the sun burned out and never get close to a resolution.  Fortunately we don't have to all agree on the semantics in order to make wonderful use of it.  We can simply work with what we know to be true.

In essence it's simply a state of deep relaxation like the point between waking and sleeping, and in which it's possible to reach the subconcious without nearly as much interference from the concious mind.  In this state it's possible to achieve wonderful changes much more quickly than would be possible going through the conscious mind alone.

Key points to consider:

1.  All hypnosis is self hypnosis.

2.  Everyone goes into a state of hypnosis at least twice a day - as you wake up and as you're going to sleep.  Ever go to the movies?  You know that when you get to your seat you're still quite aware of everything going on around you.  People talking, crunching popcorn and candy, checking their phones, all of that.  But then the movie starts and you're so "zoned in" to what's happening onscreen that you no longer notice anything that's happening around you in the theater.  That's a form of hypnosis.  Ever been reading a book and got so into it that you didn't notice people walking through the room or talking to you?  Hypnosis.  Ever been driving and suddenly realize you don't remember anything about the last 50 miles you drove?  Hypnosis.

3.  A skilled and trained facilitator simply assists you in getting to that state and then guides you in using it effectively to make meaningful change in your life.

4.  There are many different kinds of hypnosis, but all that really boils down to is the style, methods and approaches a given facilitator will use to help you make your own changes.  I personally am most comfortable with, and have the best results with, synergistic and transpersonal methods.  These take into account the body/mind/spirit as a whole and, as such, are much more in accordance modern holistic practices in general.
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